Trend forecaster & Fashion consultant stylist
Trend forecaster, fashion consultant, stylist, collector of glasses and amateur photographer. Originally from Cepeda de la Mora, a small village in the middle of the mountains in Avila, northern part of Spain. Graduated from the University of Salamanca in Audio-visual Communication.
It was in Madrid, where my first encounter with the fashion world started, and it hooked me forever. While I was studying Fashion Communications at IED (Istituto Europeo Di Design), I met Isabel Berz, the starting point of my fashion career, my “fashion angel” who piqued my interest and devotion for fashion. She touched my heart and helped to build up who I´m now. After four years working as a PR and Head of Communication at IED, I moved to New York, the city that never sleeps and you never sleep there either.
That´s the truth. I felt hyperactive there. I couldn´t stop doing different things from styling, art direction to PR and photography. After returning to Spain, I worked as a coolhunter for Zara (the biggest fashion emporium) and fashion consultant for a few brands. Six years ago, I decided to move to China.
For the first five years, I worked as a Trend Forecaster and Stylist for Exception de Mixmind, one of the country´s most famous fashion brands, well known for taking the Chinese aesthetics to the “avant-garde” level. About a year ago, I started my very own fashion consultant company called “Club Amor” in Guangzhou. The word “amor”, which means love in English, is a word that has been surrounding my whole life and career.
Love is the core of my business. “Love is free; freedom is love; love is living, living love”. My company is a community of people and companies that love fashion and love what they do and do what they love. Big companies like Zara or Novi footwear are part of my club.So here I´m now, dreaming simple and finding beauty and love in the simple Chinese life. It is here, in Guangzhou where I've found my happiness lost.