Founder of Taller Gabriela Carrillo & co-founder of Colectivo c733
Gabriela Carrillo, with more than twenty years of experience, was a partner of the multi-award-winning Taller RochaCarrillo and has been recognized with various national and international awards such as the Emerging Voices Awards in 2014, the Federico Mariscal Chair, the highest recognition for professional practice by the Faculty of Architecture from UNAM, the Medallie d'OR from the French Academy of Architecture and the title of ¨Architect of the Year¨ by the Architectural Review in London in 2017 and ¨Architect of the Year¨by Architectural Digest Mexico in 2020.
Since 2019 she is a Member of the System of Art Creators and since 2021 academic number by the Academy of Architecture of Mexico, CDMX chapter. She is co-founder of Reconstruir MX and of Colectivo c733, a collective of four offices to develop public projects.
She has been an academic at the FA of UNAM since 2003 and Head of the RX Study Research and Graduation Seminar with Loreta Castro since 2018. She has taught at Harvard GSD, the University of New Mexico, and the WAVE program in Venice, Italy. Her work has been exhibited in different International Biennials and published in various national and international media such as Domus Italia, Casabella, Arquitectura Viva, Wallpaper, and Architectural Review among others.